Monday, November 8, 2010


Hey everyone! I know we haven't updated ever. We're looking for new people to help us run the blog and post stories. So if your interested then let us know!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


TwiMonkeysNews is proud to official introduce our newest affiliate! We have teamed up with Our Gay Rights! It's time to take a stand and support the GLBT community! Be sure you check out their websites below! They will soon hope to benefit many organizations to help out with the fight! So what are you waiting for?! Go check it out!

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Freaky Side of Kristen Stewart

Apparently KStew is a stripper now! Or at least according to the rumors now. It was said that KStew has made the moves on RPattz, himself! She offered a lap dance?!?! Does this look like the chick that would do such a thing?! Umm......maybe?? For more information click on the link below!

Disclosure: This post was found at the link listed: KStew Gives Lap Dances. This post was created for entertainment purposes only. 

New Underwear Line! Inspired By Yours Truly: RPattz

 The British star has officially inspired a new underwear line that will be designed by British retailers Mark and Spencer. It's a collection of low rise briefs and trunks called the R-Pant! What a great vampire inspired line huh?

Disclosure: This information was found at the following link listed: The R-Pant and receives FULL credit. This blog was created for entertainment purposes only!

The Role- Players Diary Part One

Disclosure: There will be no names of any RPers or links to their Twitter pages posted. This was created for entertainment purposes only and will remain that way. 

Day 1... It isn't easy. I felt so alone, like a lost puppy without a sense of direction. What in the world do I do? How does this work? What's got everyone so hooked on it? They say that Twitter is an addiction and when it comes to RP they're absolutely right. Its insane. Its crazy. Its the ability to be the person you wish you could be, a chance to be original and creative, to get away from the stresses of everyday life. And it works. Its crazy how amazing it is. You don't have to sit there and wish you were Bella, or Edward, or Alice, or Jasper, or Charlie, or Jacob, or anyone else. You are that person, you become that character and are in control of the life they lead. If you didn't like the way they were in the book it doesn't matter, because you can change that. You can come up with many different story lines and ideas. You can live their human lives or the life after Breaking Dawn. Its whatever you want it to be. What if Alice never saw Jasper? What if Kate Denali found out her story? What if Edward was a complete asshole? What if Jacob never imprinted? Its a world full of what ifs and you can decide what happens. Not only that but the people who control the characters are amazing. They all have their own style. My first two weeks I was completely blown away by what I saw. Edward Cullen gay? Yeah that's possible too around Twitter. I couldn't believe it. It was better than what I thought it would be.. Families of RPers and such. So what in the world did I do? That's something your gonna have to wait to find out about. Maybe in time you'll even learn my RP style and be able to know the master behind the your favorite character.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Secret Life of TwiRP......Introduction!

Call me crazy but I decided to go undercover as a Twilight Role Player....and man is it interesting. But let me start off with how I got the idea. I was on twitter one day not really paying attention to anything but the replies and When I started paying attention I noticed that I was somehow following two rpers and had no idea what was going on! It was insane! I really thought the girl was going to kill herself! But stupid me i didn't realize she meant her character.Anyways, if you think that you love Twilight get ready for some shit that will prove you wrong! These people put their hearts and souls out there like crazy! But anyways! The official journey of my life as a roleplayer will start tomorrow as I recap what has happened so far so stay tuned!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Fanmade Eclipse Trailer!

 I thought that this one was pretty good. So here it is!

Kayne Interupts Edward!

I thought they were funny so I'm adding them!